Spring 2014 seminar: Ph.D. candidate, History of Architecture and Urban Development program
Annie Schentag received a B.A. in art history from Smith College, a master of urban planning from the State University of New York at Buffalo, and an M.A. in the history of architecture and urban development from Cornell University. Her research areas include American urban photography during the industrial era, the depiction of the American Rust Belt through film and popular culture, and contemporary ‘ruin porn’ photography. Schentag is currently working on her dissertation, which focuses on a century of industrial images in Buffalo, New York, as well as their distribution, circulation, and appropriations by local, national, and global audiences over time. As a Mellon Fellow, she is looking to delve into research on artist interventions located in Harlem and the South Bronx, drawing comparisons with similar projects occurring in Buffalo’s industrial spaces. She is interested in gaining new digital research techniques and methodologies in this seminar in order to apply them to her interpretation of industrial soundscapes, installations, and events for her dissertation.