Spring 2021 seminar: M.R.P. candidate, city and regional planning
Rewa Phansalkar attained a bachelor of architecture in 2017 from the Academy of Architecture, Mumbai, and worked as a project architect and researcher for two years before pursuing a master of regional planning at Cornell AAP. Her undergraduate thesis, Storytelling through Architecture, won the Ethos NASA India Student of the Year trophy for academic excellence, and she later received the John Reps Pioneer award for her master's exit project. Interested in sustainable urban design for climate change and policy and governance for community resilience, her past internships include working with the New York State Water Resources Institute at Cornell, School of Environment and Architecture (SEA), and Urbz Research Collective based in Dharavi, Mumbai. Having contributed to publications such as Indian Architect and Builder and the Council of Architecture newsletter, she is interested in architectural writing, graphic communication, and spatial and inferential statistics. She believes that contextual research, along with a deep understanding of the place that one plans for, are key components of planning, policy, and design, and aims to pursue a career in international development with focus on coastal adaptation and planning in the wake of climate change.