Spring 2016 seminar: M.Arch.II candidate, architecture
After five years of architecture study in Zhejiang University, China; a semester's exchange study in ETSAM, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; and an internship in the LYCS Architecture office, Fang continues his graduate study at Cornell AAP for a post-professional degree in architecture. With the fellowship awarded from Zhejiang University and MAD Architecture Office, Fang travelled around Europe and Japan, and discovered interests in amorphous agencies in oriental modernism; morphology evolution of rural settlements in China after globalization and capitalization; and ecological landscape urbanism in postindustrial time — rethinking of cities after the third front movement. As the founder of AMorphous Group and MON Magazine, a student-run magazine in Zhejiang University, Fang is exploring the possibilities in other territories with colleagues from Harvard and Columbia universities, extending his academic interests and thinkings.